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Indications relating to the protocol for carrying out the competitive exam - Orthodontics 2021

The admission test of the competition to the school of specialization in Orthodontics will be held on 13/12/2021 at 15:00 at classrooms A1 - A2 ground floor of the Department of Odontostomatological and Maxillofacial Sciences, via Caserta 6, 00161 Rome.
The indications relating to the safety protocol for the conduct of the competition test are transmitted below
Candidates must:
  1. show up alone and without any type of baggage (except in exceptional situations, to be documented);
  2. do not go to the competitive exam venue if you suffer from one or more of the following symptoms:
    1. temperature above 37.5 ° C and / or chills;
    2. cough that has recently appeared;
    3. breathing difficulties;
    4. sudden loss of smell (anosmia) or decreased sense of smell (hyposmia),
    5. loss of taste (ageusia) or change in taste (dysgeusia);
    6. sore throat.
  3. not to appear at the competitive exam venue if subjected to quarantine measures or fiduciary home isolation and / or the ban on removal from one's home / home as a measure to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 contagion;
  4. be in possession of the COVID certification
  5. compulsory wear, from the moment of access to the competitive exam venue until the exit, the surgical mask (s) made available by the organizing administration.
The obligations referred to in numbers 2 and 3 are the subject of a specific self-declaration, present on the Department access form, which must be previously completed and shown upon entering the structure. The form is available at the following link:
If one or more of the above conditions are not met, or in case of refusal to produce the required self-declaration, the candidate's entry into the competition area will be inhibited.

It is also recommended to scrupulously follow the spacing and sanitization indications, as per the reported information, not creating gatherings in and out of the Department.

Registration and recognition of candidates will take place according to the following schedule:

Candidates with surname from letter A to letter L: 02:15 pm

Candidates with surname from letter M to letter Z: 02:35 pm

To facilitate the registration procedures, we ask you to respect the convocation time.