Top-level heading


This section of the site illustrates the governance structure of the Department.

The Department is led by the Director, who represents the structure for all legal purposes and guarantees its autonomy and cultural unity. He has the power to make proposals regarding the allocation of resources and the preparation of the budget, in the framework of organizational and administrative management aimed at carrying out scientific research, teaching and training activities, as well as activities related to the outside or ancillary to them.

In order to pursue its institutional tasks, the Department has managerial and administrative autonomy in disposing of its budget, on the basis of choices entrusted to the "departmental community", which manages them through its own Bodies (Director, Council and Board) , in compliance with the provisions contained in the laws, in the University Statute and in the regulations, however excluding the possibility of administrative measures of a general nature or relating to matters reserved for other bodies identified for this purpose by the Statute of Sapienza.
All administrative acts, arranged by the Department Bodies, are adopted by the R.A.D. (Chief Administrative Officer) including those that directly engage the University externally, through delegated powers of expenditure and organization of human resources dedicated to administrative-accounting support activities.


The Director legally and substantially represents the Department; convenes and chairs the Council and the Executive; takes care of the execution of the related resolutions. It supervises the correct observance of the Statute and the Regulations; maintains relations with academic bodies and external institutions; exercises all the other powers that are devolved to him by the laws, the Statute and the Regulations.

More information on the Director


It is the body of the Department with a deliberative nature; it is chaired by the Director; all permanent professors, all researchers, including those with permanent contracts and their equivalent staff are part of it by right; the Administrative Secretary; an elective representation of the Technical-Administrative-Librarian staff (not less than 15% of the teaching and equivalent staff); an equal representation of students. In addition, up to 3 representatives of scholarship holders or research grants or multi-year research contracts of the Department itself are members of the Board with the right to vote.

More information on the Department Council


It is the advisory and investigative body of the Department; it is chaired by the Director; an elective member is part of it for each of the following categories: first level professors, second level professors, researchers, technical-administrative-librarian staff and students who are members of the Council. .

More information on the Department Commission