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Course catalogue

Bachelor's and master's degree

The Department is home to the Master's Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics, the Master's Degree Course in Sciences of the Healthcare Technical Professions and the Bachelor's Degree Course in Dental Hygiene.

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PhD Programmes

They are post graduate courses, they last for 3 years, access is through a competition based on qualifications and exams.

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Specialisation Programmes

They are postgraduate or master's degree courses that provide knowledge and skills for functions required in the exercise of particular professional activities. They allow to obtain the qualification to practice these professions. At the end of the course a specialization diploma is issued.

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Advanced Professional Courses

It is a postgraduate or postgraduate specialist (or master's) course of study. University Masters can be first or second level. The first level Master can be accessed if in possession of at least a first level degree; the second level Master can only be accessed if in possession of a specialist degree (or master's degree) or an "old system" degree.

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Training and advanced training courses

These courses are intended for both cultural promotion and professional updating. They do not determine the award of a degree, but may provide for the allocation of credits that are not necessarily recognizable within the areas referred to in the Regulations for Bachelor's and Master's Degree courses. Candidates without a university degree can also access these courses.

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Summer-Winter School

The Summer-Winter School (intensive courses) are usually residential courses that last one to four weeks for international students. Based on participation requisites, students should have a Bachelor's or high school diploma (or equivalent). These courses do not provide an attendance certification, but no further title. Acquired CFUs are recognised officially towards Bachelors and Masters degree programmes.

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